Wrong Fuel Incident Next Time It Could Be You

by | Sep 15, 2014 | Fuel Advice | 0 comments

There are still many motorists who have not heard about misfuelling. It refers to loading wrong fuel into a car tank. And I have been
one of them. Recently I have come across two motorists who have been ignorant
just like me and victims to wrong fuel incident.
In first case, one of my friends realized his mistake at
the fuel pump and stopped filling his diesel car with unleaded. However, he was
in luck that he did not start the car engine. In the second case, one of my neighbours
was involved. This case was, however, not simple and straightforward. He owns
an expensive car and it was driven half an hour before some problems emerged. It
means he realized his mistake half an hour later and that caused some major
damages to his car.
At that time, I hardly imagined that one day I would
suffer the same fate. I stopped cursing myself when I learned from a wrong fuel
removal specialist that more than 150,000 motorists put wrong fuel in their car
every year in UK.  But how does that come
to happen? It must be due to their ignorance of the type of car they are
driving and negligence. I drive a diesel car and have learned that petrol in a diesel car is a common incident. I picked up petrol pump
absent-mindedly instead of a familiar diesel pump.
If you think logically, such mistake is quite easy to
commit. Petrol nozzle easily fits into the larger opening of diesel fuel tank.
That explains why more than 95% of wrong-fuelling cases involve unleaded into a
diesel vehicle. Tired drivers as well as rapid rise in diesel car sale are
considered responsible for increasing number of such mishap.

Such kind of incident often turns out very costly. Wrong
fuel placement is usually not covered by the standard car insurance and in the
worst case, repairing and/or replacement cost may be up to a figure as gigantic
as 12,000 pounds. And if you delay, you should be prepared to hear a bad news
your car is beyond repairing. Contact a specialist as early as possible; it’s
the only to keep both cost and damages down to a minimum level.